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Abestorm air scrubber - Fresh Air, Forever Guaranteed.

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Each Abestorm air scrubber comes with a 10-year warranty

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Insider Hands - on Reviews

Filteair HEPA 550 Air Scrubber

This air-scrubber worked great. Similar features of more expensive units, and works just as well so far. We used this on a mold remediation, first under negative pressure, then in air-scrubbing mode.

DecDust 1350 Air Filtration System Woodworking

I hung the unit in my workshop and it really did a great job. Had to change the filter fairly fast due to the amount of dust hanging in the air. Continued to do a great job until the ring’s provide to hang the unit failed under the unit’s weight.

Guardian SNS90 Crawl Space Dehumidifier

It was super easy, and after 1 hour of the dehumidifier working you can feel the difference in my basement. Much more easier to work out and hang out in my basement. Definitely product that I would recommend to my family & friends.

Guardian SN35P Crawl Space Dehumidifier

The Guardian SN35p energy star listed make it an ideal solution for basements and crawlspaces. Quickly and effectively removes moisture with less energy. keeping your operating costs in check.